Who we are, and what we're doing.
(Password protected.)
TWIST is an experiment which is designed to measure the decay
distributions of polarized muons to high precision. Distributions
which are differential in energy and angle will be determined to a
precision of parts in 10,000, allowing a determination of the
parameters of the standard model which characterize the muon decay to
a precision 3 to 10 times higher than previously achieved. The
ultimate interest motivating the experiment is the need to better
understand the left-right asymmetry of the weak interaction which has been artificially
incorporated into the standard model.
- August 2011
- Final results for the muon decay P_mu_xi are published:
Phys. Rev. D.84 (2011)205121.
- May 2011
- Final results for the Longitudinal muon spin relaxation in high-purity aluminum and silver are published:
Phys. Rev. B.83 (2011)205121
- January 2011
- Final results for the muon decay parameters are published (open acess):
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 041804(2011). Archival papers are
being written.
- 2011
- TWIST's last students, Bueno, Hillairet, and Bayes,
successfully defend their theses and find paid employment in physics.
- October 2009
- A paper
was published in Physical Review D
describing our measurement of the negative muon decay energy
distribution for a pure aluminum target. For the first time in any target,
the precision shows effects that can be attributed to radiative corrections
- July 2008
- A paper on our
most recent measurements of the rho and delta parameter in
muon decay has been published (open access) in Physical
Review D (preprint).
- August 2007
- After another long data taking run, the last data were taken with the TWIST
spectrometer. The experiment shifted focus to analysis.The
spectrometer has been dismantled.